What will the SYCARDA platform deliver?

Get data-driven insights to make informed decisions

Check your reports and data from your dashboard. Keep track of your best-selling and most profitable items (SKUs), busiest days and hours, and more.

Remotely monitor multiple outlets & employee performance

Monitor when they clock in and out, how many customers they serve, average basket size, and how much revenue they bring for any given period of time.

Control costs and profit margins

Know how your gross margin changes with every new delivery from your suppliers and adjust recipes and pricing to keep your menu profitable.

Spend less time on inventory management

Streamline supply and speed up inventory checks. Turn on low stock alerts to never run out of your best selling items.

Three dashboard mock-ups of SYCARDA's retail data analysis and business intelligence platform.

Retail data analytics and advanced business intelligence platform

Gain data-driven retail insights to make smarter business decisions through SYCARDA.

Full comprehensive retail business performance in data visualisation

Overview 100+ retail business reports in chart form & precise data visualisation to facilitate immediate action for your business.

dashboard 5
Retail data analysis and business intelligence platform for restaurants and food and beverage stores.

SYCARDA Business Intelligence Platform is suitable for

  • Cafes & Restaurants
  • Bars & Pubs
  • Grocery Shops
  • Convenience Stores
  • Supermarkets
  • Chain Stores
  • Shopping Malls
  • Pharmacies
  • Clothing & Fashion Stores
  • Other Retail Stores
Get Demo

Check your business performance from any device

SYCARDA system stores your data in the online cloud storage and updates it in real-time. You can log in to your account from any device and browser and stay on top of things even when you’re at home or out of town.

Spend less time on creating reports

With SYCARDA, you can be certain that you can control and track every area of your business performance.

Pick the most efficient way to analyze your business, whether you're managing inventories, menu and promotion engineering, financial performance or operational needs down to the hour of the day!

Full comprehensive performance reports for business owners and their managers

SYCARDA for restaurants saves and updates your data in the cloud in real time.
Simply glance at SYCARDA’s advanced BI dashboard to see your table turnover rate, average check, performance levels for specific staff, best-selling meals/SKU combo, and busiest days of the week (by hour).

Analyse daily, weekly and monthly numbers

We design easy-to-use advanced BI dashboards so you can keep track of all the crucial KPIs and feel confident in your business decisions.

Learn which products to maintain on your menu, how many sales your new promotions generate, how well your new outlets perform, and more.

Analyse sales and revenue enterprise-wide for franchise

Get your SYCARDA system solution which includes sophisticated reports and dashboards that display real-time data from each outlet location, allowing you to compute royalties and regulate profitability.

Inventory checking made easy

SYCARDA makes inventory inspections less time-consuming, giving you time to strategize product utilisation while reducing shrinkage and waste.

Use SYCARDA's rapid inventory check function whenever you need to confirm the number of a certain products/ingredients in stock.

Track inventory at every stage of preparation

You may track not just the quantity of raw components in stock, but also the ready-made items you create ahead of time, such as chicken rice and noodles, as well as larger batches of rice or noodles that you wish to sell by the bowl or plate, using SYCARDA.